Saved from Wrath!

Saved from Wrath!

Salvation from the power, guilt, and condemnation of sin — is a present blessing; but salvation from all the righteous consequences of sin — is a future blessing. There is no condemnation now — there will be no wrath at the end of our course. If we are now justified — then full salvation at death is certain. Hence we read, "Since we have now been justified by His blood — how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through Him!" Romans 5:9

THE SINNER'S DESERT. He deserves wrath — the eternal wrath of God, which is most terrible. The wrath of man, a great man, a strong man, an incensed man is bad — but what must the wrath of God be! Divine wrath, is an expression of God's infinite hatred of sin, and his punishing the sinner for it, in proportion to its desert. It is represented as burning — burning to the lowest Hell. God's wrath is inconceivable — for we have no figure adequately to represent it, nor language to convey the full concept of it — therefore the mind can have no proper idea of it. It is eternal wrath. Sin, being the cause of Hell, will never cease — but rather increase in Hell; so God's wrath is represented by a fire that nothing can extinguish — unquenchable fire!

God's wrath is future — the day of wrath is coming. The revelation of the mercy of God is now — but the full revelation of his wrath is future.

THE BELIEVER'S PRIVILEGE. "We shall be saved from God's wrath." We shall be hidden in the day of the Lord's fierce anger. We shall be screened, secured, and raised above it. As Israel was saved from the Red Sea, while the Egyptians were destroyed by it — so shall we be saved from the wrath to come. We, who deserved it as much as others — but having been convinced of our desert and danger, having been alarmed at the fearful prospect opening before us, having been directed to the Lord Jesus as the only refuge — we fled to him, took shelter beneath his cross, and trusted in his blood!

"We shall be saved from God's wrath through Him." The only way of escape, is Jesus! He endured the wrath of God for penitent sinners. He delivers every sinner from Hell, who comes to Him by faith. He will take care that wrath shall not come near any soul that shelters in Him.

THE CERTAINTY OF HIS SAFETY. "Since we have now been justified by His blood — how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through Him!" If God so loved us when we were his enemies — as to give his Son for us; if when we were yet sinners — Christ died for us; then how much more now that we are reconciled to God, and justified by the blood of Jesus — shall we be saved from wrath through him. If God would give his Son for his enemies — he will never pour out his wrath on his friends! If Jesus died for us as ungodly — then he will assuredly save us, now we are dedicated to him.

Let us then ask, Have we come to Jesus? Is our full dependence for eternal life placed solely on him? Do we render the Savior prompt obedience? If so, then there is no doubt but we shall be saved from eternal wrath through him.

If we are saved from wrath ourselves — then we should feel for and seek to save others. God saves by means. By means of his word, of his word spoken, of his word spoken by such as we are. Let us then speak to sinners; speak to them of Jesus; speak to them with this object in view — that they may be saved from eternal wrath through him.

If we are saved by Jesus — then we should seek to please and honor Him. Gratitude dictates this. Reason demands this. Being delivered from so great a damnation, from so dreadful a doom, and delivered at such an expense as Christ's humiliation, suffering, and death — then surely, surely, we shall desire to please our great Deliverer; and nothing will make us so happy as pleasing Him.

If we are certain that we shall be saved from wrath through Jesus — then we ought to be happy, we ought to be active in His service, and we ought to be watchful against all that would displease or dishonor Him.

If we are not saved from wrath by Jesus — then we ought to come to him at once. No one can save us from Hell, but Jesus. But He only saves such as come to him to be saved. The present time is given to us, that we may come unto him. If we neglect his great salvation now — we will be lost forever! In a very short time we may have in dreadful agony to exclaim, "The harvest is past, the summer is ended — and we are not saved!"
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