How is Jesus a healer?.
How is Jesus a healer?. Jesus the healer is best understood as a folk healer in his culture. Some folk techniques that Jesus used were laying on hands or touching the sick person (Mark 1:41), using spittle (Mark 8:23) or mud (John 9:6), pronouncing pow- erful words—like talitha cum (Mark 5:41) or ephphatha (Mark 7:34)—and the like. Jesus healing - Why was healing so important in Jesus' ministry? Healing was essential to the ministry of Jesus because He had the power to perform miracles. They flowed from within Him as heat from the sun, as wet from a waterfall, as dry from sirocco winds. He knew it, people sensed it, and to Him they came in droves and multitudes. In unconquered confidence, Jesus welcomed blind, crippled, leprous, even dead people into His presence. No problem loomed too great for His skill; none intimidated Him into silence. He performed all the healings we would expect since He came as God's Healer. Healing was essential to the ministry of Jesus because He had...