What does it mean to be a secular Christian?

What does it mean to be a secular Christian?

Contradiction in terms. A Christian by definition accepts that the sacrifice and resurrection of Christ actually did something wonderful for humanity and the rest of the moral universe, If Jesus isn’t God then He was nothing more than a criminally suicidal lunatic (or a legend which is what Dawkins actually believes and how he can get away with coining the term “secular Christian” to confuse the rest of us.).

The term is an oxymoron, that is to say that it is self-contradicting. It basically describes a person who goes to church service regularly, lives by the norms of decent western society, and may believe in God, but doesn’t live as a bible-based follower of Christ. This is in contrast to a, “carnal Christian” (another oxymoron), which is a person who divulges in the, “sins of the flesh” like drinking and immorality but still considers themselves, “Christian”.

Note that both are definitely not Christians according to scripture.It means you are confused as to what it actually means to be a Christian. It also means you are not one by Biblical standards. It means you are trying to have your cake and eat it too. It means you are going to be highly disappointed when you stand in front of the Lord and He says “I never knew you.” It means that you have chosen option “B”, the lake of fire, over option “A”, eternity in the presence of the living God. This is THE saddest thing I can conceive, choosing momentary self gratification here over eternity in Heaven.

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