"The Forth TRUMPET"

"The Forth TRUMPET"

What does Revelation 8:12
To this point, three angels have sounded their trumpets, each resulting in horrible calamity on earth. Most of these seem to be focused on environmental issues: raining hail and fire, destruction of the sea, and poisoning of fresh waters. When the fourth angel blew his trumpet, stellar catastrophes occurred. A darkness covered a third of the sun, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars. A third of the naturally-occurring light was plunged into darkness.

As was the case during the Exodus, these phenomena show God is in control of nature. The events described here would drastically affect crop growth, solar power, global climate, and energy use. Jesus predicted in Luke 21:25–26 that "there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken." Even earth's most renowned scientists will not be able to explain, and panic will seize earth's population.

However, this darkness might also provide a covering for righteous Jews to escape to the mountains when the false prophet sets up an image in the holy place, as described in other prophetic passages (Daniel 11:31; 12:11; Matthew 24:15–16; Revelation 13:1–15).

Revelation 8 tells us John saw seven angels receive seven trumpets. Another angel brought incense and the prayers of the saints at the golden altar, then filled the container with fire and cast it down to the earth. Next, four angels blew their trumpets in succession. The consequences were devastating: hail and fire mixed with blood; a third of the earth and trees were burned up; all green grass was consumed; a third of the sea became blood; a third of sea life died; a third of the ships were destroyed; the water supply became bitter, and many people died. Further, a third of the sun, moon, and stars experienced some kind of blackout, and darkness extended for a third of the day and night.

Revelation 8:6–13 follows a lengthy hush in heaven, after which seven angels receive seven trumpets and another angel mixes the prayers of the saints with incense. After emptying the censer of incense, he fills it with fire and casts it down to the earth. Thunder, rumblings, lighting, and an earthquake ensue. Now four of the seven angels blow their trumpets with disastrous effects on earth.

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