Inner Beauty.

Inner Beauty.

Greetings friends, There are things more lasting in life than our skin.

A man once noted that beauty is the first present nature gives to women, and the first it takes away. While some are naturally endowed with an outer beauty, real beauty lies within. Outer beauty begins to fade early in life; inner beauty continues to grow.

It is a rare thing to have both, but some have managed it. Esther, for instance, was beautiful outwardly and had the inner beauty that attracted many to her (Esther 2:7, 15, 17). She was one God could use to help save His people.

Discretion, wisdom, moral standards and a pleasant attitude last a lifetime. Lacking these is likened to placing a ring of gold in the snout of a pig (Proverbs 11:22). Inner beauty is more valuable. It does not require the outer equivalent. It stands on its own and lasts a lifetime—wrinkle free!
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