Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.
Whenever the Israelites planted their crops, the Midianites, Amalekites and other eastern peoples invaded the country. They camped on the land and ruined the crops all the way to Gaza and did not spare a living thing for Israel, neither sheep nor cattle nor donkeys.Judges 6:3‭-‬4.


The story of Gideon is a powerful reminder of what happens when God’s people return their worship back where it belongs.

Israel at this time had begun to mix their worship with the worship of other nations. It was no longer a holy thing but was tainted with the idolatry of other nations. Because their hearts had strayed from God’s truth, they began to be taken over by surrounding powers. Where there was once an abundance they were now destitute. Where there used to be a blessing, they were now under a curse. But when they turned their hearts of worship back to God, He raised up Gideon to lead his people into victory to take back their inheritance.

Even today, so many years later, we can see this same story repeating. A story of God’s people leaving His truth and mixing with the society they are surrounded with. God has called His people out of the world and to not be held down by all the things our society holds in such high esteem. Instead He has called us to worship Him in spirit and in truth. To give Him our whole hearts of worship. For our worship to be whole and pure without any mixture of the world we live in. Then God will bless our lands and we will be fruitful. For God will be with us and working on our behalf.
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