I just want
I just want to share a little truth with all the Christians were ever you may be,and who ever you may be,and as long as we travel on life's little journeys,and as we journey along life's highways and byways which is very good ,and seeing we're follows of CHRIST,and you were told by your individual churches that when you're baptized you are saved right there and then,and seeing that this is ,so far from the truth."Wow" The only truth is this your baptism that you just had all,and what it did is that it shows that you have made a declaration to separate yourselves from the world,and to follow Christ,and Christ is now the LORD of your life,and not the devil and the things of this world you know longer run after,but you now run after the things of the LORD. On judgement day when you are or before the great tribulation.When we're caught up to be with CHRIST in the air that is when you are saved,and not before then,and just in case you do n...