For all of the unlearnt Christians.I was sitting in my office today,and a thought came to my mind. I was thinking of all the Christians who believe that there church can save them or they can be saved from the judgement to come or the structure of the building can save them on judgement day.You better wake up,and wake up soon,and very quick.The structure of the building cannot save you for it's not the church you are in.You better wake up from your sleep.For church people cannot save themselves or save the church by themselves on the day of judgement.
Worse! if you're one of those who believe that the Pastors words can save you BAD NEWS,he cannot even save himself from the wrath to come if he's living a life that is contrary to the word of GOD ,so what are you going to believe.I believe that's the question?.
,And just in case you do not know or you're not sure.The answer is quite clear THE WORD OF GOD the Holy word of God,but in case you do not want to be sure,and you're one of those or should I say because you are one of those who believe other wise,and I hope that the bible is wrong,and it never is,and that would make what you've been told a lie by your church leader or leaders,and that would make for sure that the bible is true without a shadow of a doubt which is all the time.
What you do here will determine were you go from here on this day.
,So can it be that you have a wolf in sheep clothing here in the church preaching lies or can it be that you've been in the church for ever,and that you're now set in you ways,and now you're just following tradition for you've been hearing this for years .Oh boy! a wolf in sheep's clothing which means lies that are being told to you BAD NEWS.The Holy word of God holds the truth of were you will go on that great day.This is your choice,and just remember if you believe the lies you go straight to HELL and burn in the hell fire that waits you,and or if you believe the truth you go to HEAVEN for eternity.
This is your call
Choose this day life or death.
Kjv :Deuteronomy 30:19
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live
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