
Showing posts from November, 2019

Think About It…

Think About It… Does the truth scare you? Then all of you should really be scared to death or out of your pants So just in case you do not know or have not been reading here is some scary truth.If your church is celebrating this pagan holiday or getting the church ready to celebrate this pagan holiday then you're pagan & secular in your worship of God,and you're celebrating a BIG lie.Are you scared now?The bible says the word of God the truth will set you free.( John 8:31-32 ESV).

Love Of God. Love of God: Is the Creator a God of Love?.

Love Of God. Love of God: Is the Creator a God of Love?. Is there such a thing as the "Love of God?" Is the Creator a God of love? Or is He an angry God? Is He passive and complacent? Or has He revealed His demeanor at all? Christians believe in a God of Love. They feel as though God has proved His love towards man through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, who suffered upon the cross as a propitiation for our sins. Truly, to die for another is proof of your love. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13). However, does Christ represent God in His death upon the cross? Did Jesus even die upon a cross? Did He even exist as an historical figure at all? Or is He merely a myth -- a good story about a good man? Love of God: His Love Foretold. The death of this man Jesus Christ does not demonstrate the Love of God, unless He was indeed the Son of God. If Christ were a mere man execu...

Love God not Christmas

Love God not Christmas Learning to love God is fundamental to a life of faith in Christ. It is the love of God that guides everything that a person pursues. He loves us so much that he sent Jesus to live on Earth. While Jesus was here, he lived a perfect life that was free from sin. Then, he died on the cross and rose from the dead on the third day. Jesus' life, death, and resurrection are the living embodiment of the love of God. Once we understand His love for us, our natural response is to love him in return. At M.B.Ministries, our post and our church services( soon to be) are and will be designed to help you grow in your love for God. In all of these moments, we are reminded of God's love for us and we learn to love Him more deeply every day.Do not get yourselves caught up in the false season of deception.

Unconditional Love.

Unconditional Love. The greatest power known to man is that of unconditional love. Through the ages, mystics, sages, singers and poets have all expressed the ballad and call to love. As humans, we have searched endlessly for the experience of love through the outer senses. Great nations have come and gone under the guise of love for their people. Religions have flourished and perished while claiming the true path to love. We, the people of this planet, may have missed the simplicity of unconditional love. . . "Simply stated, unconditional love is an unlimited way of being. We are without any limit to our thoughts and feelings in life and can create any reality we choose to focus our attention upon. There are infinite imaginative possibilities when we allow the freedom to go beyond our perceived limits. If we can dream it, we can build it. Life, through unconditional love, is a wondrous adventure that excites the very core of our being and lights our path with d...

What love is not

What love is not Love is not what the movies and hit songs tell us it is. Love doesn’t hurt. If it hurts it’s something else. Fear. Attachment. Idolatry. Addiction. Possessiveness. Nobody’s heart aches out of love. In pop culture, love gets conflated with desire all the time. From childhood we learn you can like something, or you can love it, as if it’s only different degrees of the same thing. Love is all selflessness. It’s the opposite of need and attachment. To an individual it’s a sensation of allowing, rather than seeking. Letting go, rather than grasping. Love is subtle and silent and delicate, and in its beginnings it can be drowned out easily by attachment, lust and fear. Love must have space, and force is what crowds it out. Love is powerful but it isn’t forceful. Desire is simple and often reckless. We need to manage it carefully to avoid causing harm. Desire is the intention to change something, to reject what it is in favor ...

Think About It…

Think About It… All that is alienated from God, as here and frequently in John's writings. The things of the world are not those things in the world which may become objects of sinful affection, such as wealth or honour, still less such as scenery or physical objects. John is not condemning a love of those material advantages which are God's gifts, nor of nature, which is God's work. He is forbidding those things the love of which rivals and excludes the love of God - all those immoral tendencies and pursuits which give the world its evil character. The world is order; the things in the world are the elements of disorder - those things which arise from each man making himself the center of the world, or of some little world of his own creation. These rival centers clash with one another, and also with the one true Center. All this . John forbids. With (John 2:25)., nor yet: "Love not the world; no, nor any of its ways." As so often, . John goes on to e...

Think About It…

Think About It… King James Bible :1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. Verses 15-17. - Secondly, walking in the light excludes all love of the world. This is another form of darkness. Verse 15. - Love not the world. Obviously, both "love" and "the world" are used in a different sense in John 3:16, where it is said that "God loved the world." The one love is selfish, the other unselfish. In the one case "the world" means the sinful elements of human life, in the other the human race. It is most important to distinguish the different meanings "of " in the New Testament.(Romans 12:2).

Loving God with all your mind: logic and creation

Loving God with all your mind: logic and creation Logic and reason are far from being incompatible with biblical Christianity. Rather, they are essential. Without them it is impossible to deduce anything from the true propositions of the 66 books of Scripture, the Christian’s final authority. This applies to Creation, one of the foundational doctrines of Christianity. Examples of valid and fallac ious reasoning are discussed, with emphasis on showing how logical reasoning can support the truth of biblical creation, and demonstrate the fallacies in many evolutionists’ arguments. Logic is the science of the relations between propositions. Logic can tell us what can be inferred from a given proposition, but it cannot tell us whether the given proposition is true in the first place. All philosophical systems rely on logical deductions from starting assumptions—axioms—which, by definition, cannot be proven from prior assumption. For our axioms, it is rational to accept the propositions rev...

Purity of God’s Words.

Purity of God’s Words. David, the King, trusted in all of God’s words because he believed them to be perfectly pure. In today’s post, I would like to consider the purity of God’s words based on David’s two testimonies. His first testimony in Psalm 12:6 is: “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” The excellence of the Holy Scriptures is powerfully presented here by David. Firstly, the phrase “the words of the LORD” points out that all the words of the Scriptures are the LORD’s. Every word of the Bible proceeds from the LORD Himself. He used men, who were His servants, to write them down. As 2 Peter 1:21 declares, “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” Likewise, 2 Timothy 3:16 declares, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God.” The LORD is the actual author of the Bible. Secondly, we a...

Think About It…

Think About It… In Colossians 4:6 it mentions how we're to talk to each other with grace ,and in love.We should also remember our mouth can also put us in serious problems as well Proverbs 13:3.,So the power of out mouth or should I say our tongue can send others to there death Proverbs 18:21.,So the question is do you want to be the one that send someone there or do you want to be the one that starts the love chain.Let's love one another ( 1 John 4:7)

Think About It…

Think About It… Here is the real truth about the lie that the devil wants you all to believe,and the fact is that he's pushing this lie so hard to deceive you about the truth that he's keeping from you.Try to understand the seriousness of this lie,and do not get yourselves caught up in the false season of deception.Jesus said the devil is a liar and there's not truth in him.(John 8:44)

Proof that Yeshua was NOT born in December!. Pt (1)

Proof that Yeshua was NOT born in December!. Pt (1) Did you know that our Messiah was NOT born on December 25th? It's true! Yeshua was born on the first day of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles), which falls in the September/October time frame on our Gregorian calendars, and circumcised on the 8th day. How do we know this? Let's allow Scripture to explain: The answer about Yeshua's birth can be found  in Scripture: Luke 2: 1. Now it happened in those days that a decree went out from Augustus Caesar that the names of all the people of his dominion should be written down. 2. This census first happened during the governorship of Qurinius in Syria. 3. And everyone went in his own city to be registered. 4. And Yosip was also going up from Nasrath, a city of Galeela into Yehuda to the city of Dawid, which is called Beth-Lekhem, because he was from the house and from the clan of Dawid, 5. With Maryam his bride while she was pregnant, that there they might be registered. 6. And it happ...