The Gift of Forgiveness(learn to forgive). “I forgive you” can be hard to say
The Gift of Forgiveness(learn to forgive). “I forgive you” can be hard to say. Forgiving people who have hurt us, wronged us, or abused us is difficult. We have to work at forgiveness. I know I do. Forgiveness is not always on offer immediately, or freely given. Sometimes, we feel people don’t deserve to be forgiven for the harm they have done. We have to make a conscious decision to stop being angry or resentful. Sometimes, I don’t forgive. I know I should, especially because Jesus encourages us to, and we are told it’s good to. Google says so. But, often I don’t want to release them from being responsible, or give that person the opportunity to behave in the same way again. It takes time to work through the pain. We shouldn’t diminish this process. We should not feel guilty or pressured into forgiving before we are ready. So, our reply is sometimes a “yes,” other times it’s “maybe,” and also it can be “not right now.” Forgiveness is at the heart of relationships that go well. Also, w...